
Celebrate México Now

Please come, discover MEXICO with a different perspective and have some drinks with us!...

Wednesday, September 6, 6:15 PM
King Juan Carlos 1 of Spain Center at NYU
53 Washington Square South
(between Thompson and Sullivan Streets)
Tel.212 998-3650

Ernesto Rios.

Mexico Now: www.mexiconowfestival.org

Celebrate México Now
September 1 – 17, 2006

Catch Celebrate México Now 2006, a citywide festival of contemporary
Mexican culture, from September 1 to 17 at venues throughout New York City. With
performances, conversations,
screenings, and tasting,
Celebrate México Now spotlights some of the most intriguing Mexican artists working in
dance, music, film,
literature, visual art, theater, and cuisine.

Visit the Celebrate México Now website for all the details:

A selection of photography’s from Szalay’s 35 years of
traveling throughout his native country, this book of
lush photographs reflects the biodiversity and
cultural pluralism of contemporary Mexico. Slide
presentation with Szalay followed by reception.

